Apni Dukan

It's time to start your graphic design business.

Craft your graphic design business right now with Apni Dukan.

Then, get every tool you need for marketing, invoicing, insurance registration, and more. All in one app. Ready?

Start your business today

Graphic Design Art Creative Work concept.

You've got the design skills. It's time to go solo.

In-house. Agency. Illustration. Motion. UI.

As a designer, you've done it all. You know your niche. And you're ready for the next step.

What does that look like? Making a few more grand at another agency or in-house gig?

Sure, the money isn't bad! But what if you went solo?

To unlock your true potential for impact and earnings as a designer, you've gotta build your own business.

The good news? You can start your business with Apni Dukan.

What kind of graphic design services should I offer?

The critical first step to starting a graphic design business is figuring out what kinds of services you can reasonably offer. There are two considerations here:

  • What are you capable of doing?
  • What would you like to do?

These are not necessarily the same thing. So look at your skill set and see where it overlaps with your aspirations. That spot contains your core service offering.

You should also think about different graphic design niches that you might be able to fill so that your marketing efforts (later) can be a little more focused and clients will eventually know to come to you for specific services.

There are an almost endless number of niches in the graphic design industry, but here is a short list of some of the most popular ones:


  • Alcohol manufacturing
  • Food and beverage
  • SAAS (software as a service)
  • Cannabis
  • Video games
  • Tech
  • Charities
  • Clothing/fashion
  • Sports
  • Music
  • Film and TV
  • Health and wellness

The choice of niche is up to you: choose one or a few of these examples, or combine them to create a targeted offering that works for you. For example, websites for charities or advertising for health and wellness companies. Just make sure it’s something you’re interested in and have the skills for.

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